Whether you feed your twins together or separately (one after the other) is entirely up to you. I have been told either is essential by several well-meaning and ignorant midwives and mothers. But it really depends on what suits your babies and you best. In the end, you'll probably end up doing both.
For the first few months, I found feeding together at most feeds the easiest. My girls took 40 minutes for each feed, then needing cuddling and burping for a while afterwards. So feeding them together was the most practical option. I am still feeding them together at 5/7 feeds a day, but they generally only take 20 minutes to feed now, so sometimes I can feed them separately for my own comfort.
It is definitely less time consuming to feed twins together, plus it helps with the let down and stimulating supply if they are fed together. Until the babies can both hold their heads and necks up well, it is almost impossible to fed them together unless you use a twin feeding pillow. This is the pillow I use, although there are several on the market. Obviously, unlike the woman in the photo, you tend not to feed with your shirt still on...
Otherwise, I've found they slump down, you end up having to hold both of them up and when they detach on and off it is exceeding difficult to latch them back on if your hands are otherwise occupied. A feeding pillow means you often can have at least one hand free.
The other advantage to feeding together is that it doesn't leave one twin screaming if she gets hungry while the first twin is feeding. Especially when you are on your own, having one baby crying while feeding another is pretty unpleasant, and there's not much you can do about it if you're busy feeding one.
Once the babies are more efficient in their feeding it is nice to sometimes feed them separately for a break. This gives you more special one-on-one time with each baby, it feels less strenuous on your breasts, and means you can eat or at least lie down while feeding.
The disadvantages of feeding twins together are that it can feel quite strange or uncomfortable, especially in the early weeks when your nipples are sore from constant feeding. It feels a bit strange having two babies sucking at once and I found it a bit unpleasant for the first couple of weeks. It also means you're stuck on the lounge or wherever you choose to feed, and stuck sitting up for around 7-9 hours a day. I found watching tv while I fed (or dvds) to keep my mind off the whole thing more manageable. Feeding twins together also limits your going out. Not that you'll have the energy to go out much anyway, but if you do, you'll have to feed separately (having twin babies is enough of a freak show to the general public without exposing both breasts as well).
The main reason I feed together is that my babies struggle to keep to any kind of simultaneous sleeping anyway, and feeding together at least puts them in the ball-park of being able to go to bed at the same time. I found after our girls had surgery, and had to feed separately for around 5 days, I almost went out of my mind with the non-stop feeding. Especially in the early days when the babies will want to feed anywhere from 7-11 times a day, feeding separately would have meant I literally never stopped breastfeeding the entire day and night.
At the moment, the girls are feeding around 7 times in 24 hours, and I do about 2 feeds a day separately (that's breastfeeding 4 times). It's much easier to do this on days when you have some else to help, as they can entertain or change the nappy or comfort the waiting or finished baby.
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